ffconf 2015

I've always heard great things about #ffconf and I've been meaning to go for a while, this year I managed to make it and it did not disappoint. Here's a recap of my tweets from the day.

As some of you may know, every now and then on Periscope I play on the piano, so it was a welcoming sight to see a piano being played on arrival.

It was great to catch up and meet so many talented people of the Internetz!

The cinema was a great venue for the conference, the chairs were so comfy and although at first I thought I'd miss having wi-fi I really didn't. There was a good 4g connection so I was able to use my phone to tweet and my laptop to take extra notes.

Thanks to Bruce Lawson for introducing me to Sara, I'm a big fan of the work she does and it was nice to thank her in person.

Robin Mehner - @rmehner

JavaScript That Doesn't Hurt Your Feelings

Sara Soueidan - @sarasoueidan

SVG in Motion

Anna Shipman - @annashipman

Operations: A Developer's Guide

John K. Paul - @johnkpaul

The Web Audio Phenomenon That Shall Not Be Named

Marcy Sutton - @marcysutton

How to win at mobile accessibility

Paul Lewis - @aerotwist

You Should Use <insert library/framework> It's The Bestestest!

Ice-Cream Break

Martin Kleppe - @aemkei

Code Calligrams

Lena Reinhard - @lrnrd

A talk about everything


After Party

And, I'll leave you all with this!

Thanks again to everyone involved, I had a a great time and will hopefully be back for #ffconf 2016!

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