McrFRED 23 A Practical Journey to Web Components

This month we have some of the talented folks from the Financial Times talking about Web Components. This McrFRED will be split up into 3 Acts and get a sneak peak to how the team use their in house 'Origami' to help set standards, conventions and tools for building websites at the FT.

Meetup Page

The event will take place on Thursday, February 26th, 6.30pm at SpaceportX on Lever Street.

A practical journey to web components

We've seen the future, and it's all about components, containers and modules. But we've got a lot of past to worry about too. We need an approach to front end development that isn't overly opinionated, is compatible with legacy projects, is forwards-looking towards web components, and can be used today. We call it Origami, and this is how it works.

This McrFRED will be split up into 3 Acts;

  • Act 1: The problem (Kaelig Deloumeau)
  • Act 2: How we build modules (Alberto Elias)
  • Act 3: Everything as a service (Sam Giles)

Meetup Page

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Thanks to the sponsors:

Carbon Creative Orchard

If you're coming to this event, please do thank the sponsors on Twitter, without them it wouldn't be possible.

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