McrFRED 53 Rich Higgins

Looking forward to this one, Rich is going to be discussing some of things he's been up to at @CoopDigital. Expect Critical CSS, tooling, configuration, testing and continuous integration.

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Rich Higgins

Rich Higgins - @richhiggins

Lift queue hustler, standardista, freelance PHP and front end web developer. Currently imagineering the future at @CoopDigital.

Critical CSS in the CI pipeline

Inlining a web page’s critical CSS to optimise usable load time is now established good practice, but taking it from a manually run local script to a continuous integration pipeline can be daunting. Throw dynamic modular content into the mix and things get even trickier.

This talk will be a deep dive into how we’ve approached automating critical CSS for modular, CMS driven websites at Co-op Digital.

We’ll take a look at tooling, configuration, deployment, testing and the results and limitations of our approach.

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