Simon is this incredibly rare combination of insightful and curious developer, broad and extensive knowledge of front-end development techniques, and a real motivation to me in his ability to inject energy into a community. Simon would be a huge asset to any team and I'm a bit jealous of the one lucky enough to scoop him up.
Paul Irish, Google Chrome Dev Team
Here's a quick video showing how to style up Chrome Dev Tools using the 'INSPECTORCEPTION' method.
Recently encountered this error:
1 | require_once [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied |
In Terminal doing this sucks:
1 | cd this/is/the/path/i/want/to/get/to/and/its/quite/long |
I'm really getting into SASS and use it on a regular basis and find a combination of LiveReload and FireSASS is helping me out in my workflow. LiveReload and FireSASS basically allow you to edit a SASS file then LiveReload will compile the SASS file to CSS as well as extra 'stuff', this 'stuff' allows you to debug in Firebug and still see the code line number from the original SASS file, as in the compiled CSS it's likely to be different. If you're not familiar with SASS or LiveReload I'd recommend going checking them out.
I've recently be using an App called LiveReload in my workflow. It enables the browser to automatically refresh when you save your files, which is cool. If you imagine making a few hundred changes a day, this soon adds up. It will also compile files, if for example you're using a SASS file, even better… and recently I got it working with an iPhone (pretty sure it'll work with iPad as well, going to test this soon). So have done a screencast to demonstrate how I set this up. It's my first screencast so hope it's ok. Please feel free to comment if you've got any suggestions how to improve it.