McrFRED 18 Jake Smith

Manchester FRED 18 is a go! With Jake Smith talking about 'How to work'.


The event will take place on Thursday 25th September, 6.30pm.

Please note, TechHub Manchester has now renamed to SpaceportX

So this will be the first McrFRED at the now SpaceportX on Lever Street.

Jake Smith

How To Work

Rather than cover a talk on Sass, Ruby or WordPress, I want to discuss how we actually see a project through from start to finish, and what component parts are handled by whom within an agency setting.

The agency in question is ours, JP74, as we have 13 years experience of trying different things that have improved our output, and things that haven’t always worked out.

I want to discuss people, practice, the tools we use to keep track of what we’re doing, and why it works for us.

I think there’s a lack of discussion at this level, and people can be frightened about over-sharing their hard earned experience. The more we share, the better we can perform, and probably learn a thing or two in the process.

You can follow Jake on twitter @jake74.

After talking to Jake briefly about his talk and the mention of saving time with emails and live production using Beanstalk, I'm pretty excited :smile:

Ticket spaces have now increased thanks to TechHub, but please do :space_invader: :space_invader: sign up :space_invader: :space_invader: early to avoid disappointment.

Thanks, look forward to seeing you then.


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Thanks to the sponsors:

Carbon Creative Reason Digital

If you're coming to this event, please do thank the sponsors on Twitter, without them it wouldn't be possible.

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