Theming With Sass And Compass CodePen
Wrote up a little CodePen to demo how Sass and Compass can help with theming.
This code is useful if you're writing a theme and want to easily change colours.
The problem, your design calls for multiple colour values. So in CSS you'd have to declare each of these values, for example.
1 | body { |
Now, what if you want to create another theme that's red? That means, working out and changing all the colour values. Enter Sass.
Using variables such as:
1 | $base: red; |
Then calling them in your Sass file, you now only have to change one value to change all the values throughout the entire document.
Taking things a step further, you can also make use of Compass to handle all those vendor prefixes.
1 | @include background-image(linear-gradient($base-light, $base-dark)); |
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