Illustrator SVG Layer 1 id issue take 2

Further to my post Illustrator SVG Id Issue and thanks to @aexmo I discovered that Illustrator adds in the id="Layer_1" as it's linked to the layer name. I'm not sure this is a great approach and have some thoughts.

First off thanks to @aexmo for the reply:

Illustrator Layer 1

Since finding this out, I wondered how many people optimised their SVGs, or might have encountered the same issue, so I did a quick search on GitHub.<svg+version%3D"1.1"+id%3D"Layer_1"+xmlns%3D""+xmlns%3Axlink%3D""&type=Code&ref=searchresults

I actually ended up getting some mixed results doing this hitting search a few times (possibly related to, but there's no denying that I'm not alone.

It's also currently in WordPress

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="64px" height="64px" viewBox="0 0 64 64" enable-background="new 0 0 64 64" xml:space="preserve"><style>.style0{fill:    #0074A2;}</style><g><g><path d="M4.548 31.999c0 10.9 6.3 20.3 15.5 24.706L6.925 20.827C5.402 24.2 4.5 28 4.5 31.999z M50.531 30.614c0-3.394-1.219-5.742-2.264-7.57c-1.391-2.263-2.695-4.177-2.695-6.439c0-2.523 1.912-4.872 4.609-4.872 c0.121 0 0.2 0 0.4 0.022C45.653 7.3 39.1 4.5 32 4.548c-9.591 0-18.027 4.921-22.936 12.4 c0.645 0 1.3 0 1.8 0.033c2.871 0 7.316-0.349 7.316-0.349c1.479-0.086 1.7 2.1 0.2 2.3 c0 0-1.487 0.174-3.142 0.261l9.997 29.735l6.008-18.017l-4.276-11.718c-1.479-0.087-2.879-0.261-2.879-0.261 c-1.48-0.087-1.306-2.349 0.174-2.262c0 0 4.5 0.3 7.2 0.349c2.87 0 7.317-0.349 7.317-0.349 c1.479-0.086 1.7 2.1 0.2 2.262c0 0-1.489 0.174-3.142 0.261l9.92 29.508l2.739-9.148 C49.628 35.7 50.5 33 50.5 30.614z M32.481 34.4l-8.237 23.934c2.46 0.7 5.1 1.1 7.8 1.1 c3.197 0 6.262-0.552 9.116-1.556c-0.072-0.118-0.141-0.243-0.196-0.379L32.481 34.4z M56.088 18.8 c0.119 0.9 0.2 1.8 0.2 2.823c0 2.785-0.521 5.916-2.088 9.832l-8.385 24.242c8.161-4.758 13.65-13.6 13.65-23.728 C59.451 27.2 58.2 22.7 56.1 18.83z M32 0c-17.645 0-32 14.355-32 32C0 49.6 14.4 64 32 64s32-14.355 32-32.001 C64 14.4 49.6 0 32 0z M32 62.533c-16.835 0-30.533-13.698-30.533-30.534C1.467 15.2 15.2 1.5 32 1.5 s30.534 13.7 30.5 30.532C62.533 48.8 48.8 62.5 32 62.533z" class="style0"/></g></g></svg>

I've played about with various settings in Illustrator, but it seems that all variations will add id="Layer_1" even if it's not being used.

Illustrator SVG Options

A drawback of Illustrator doing this, means that if you save out multiple SVGs and they then all contain id="Layer_1" now you're dealing with multiple ids, which isn't good and it's possible that other SVGs will inherit the wrong styles.

I can understand that in some scenarios a unique id might be required, but I think it would be helpful if Illustrator gave you a heads up. Perhaps if saving out an SVG and the layer name is the default id="Layer_1" there should be an include in the SVG options to disable it if it's not in use? maybe I'm missing something? interested to know your thoughts, please comment below.

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