McrFRED 20 Lightning Talks
:zap::zap::zap: For Manchester FRED 20 let's mix things up a bit :zap::zap::zap:
The idea is to have a few people talking with a variety of topics, each talk should last no longer that 10 minutes. If you'd like to talk please read on and submit your topic.
The event will take place on Thursday 27th November, 6.30pm at SpaceportX on Lever Street.
Edit: 25th Nov 2014
Lightning Talks Confirmed
Dribbble Manchester
Apps in Phonegap
Nick Hurley
Architects of the future
Jamie Murphy
How being too busy can make you dull
Web Animations! Imperative vs Declarative
Jason Brown
Back to the Frontend - Experience of a Backend Dev flexing his frontend muscle
Simon Owen
I'll be giving a live demo (hopefully!) of The Physical Web -
If you're coming along, please download the app:
/ (no longer online)
There's still room for a few more, if you want to submit a talk or come along on the night and let me know.
If you'd like to give speaking a go, but don't feel confident to do a long talk, this is an ideal opportunity to get up and talk about something. Each talk should last 5 or 10 minutes. I've listed some topics to get you started, but feel free to suggest anything else.
- SVGs
- CSS3 Keyframe Animations
- Life as Front-End Developer
- Client relations
- Hitting deadlines
- Workflow
- Tools
- Typography
- Build tasks
- Command Line
- CSS Preprocessors
- Bug fixing
- Device testing
- Burnout
- Meetups
- Conferences
- Networking
- Semantic Markup
- Keeping up to date
- Working as part as a team
- Working as a freelancer
- Working from home on your own
Previous Meetups
Find out about previous Manchester FRED Events
Thanks to the sponsors:
If you're coming to this event, please do thank the sponsors on Twitter, without them it wouldn't be possible.
Manchester FRED Email Signup
To keep up to date with Manchester FRED events - [Signup to the #McrFRED Newsletter] (no longer online) or follow us on Twitter @Mcr_FRED.
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