McrFRED 39 Tristan Ashley on CSS Processors

Thanks to everyone that came to @upfrontconf last month and the great feedback on Twitter. Now back to @Mcr_FRED where this month we'll be learning about CSS Processors, a topic that a few regular McrFREDers have requested recently :)

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Tristan Ashley

Tristan Ashley - @tawashley

Front-End Developer who has been based at Manchester based Studio Code Computerlove for 16 months.

I daily get stuck in to HTML, CSS and JavaScript with tools such as gulp, Sass and Node.js. I enjoy playing around with what can be achieved through the web and modern tools.

Augmenting Stylesheets: An Introduction to CSS Processors

CSS Processors have continually increased in usage for years. New tools and ways of automating styles have emerged along with mature tools establishing themselves into our workflow. With this, it's easy to get lost among these tools. This talk will help to give a gentle introduction to stylesheets processors (pre and post) - what they do, how they help you and how to use them.

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Carbon Creative Orchard

If you're coming to this event, please do thank the sponsors on Twitter, without them it wouldn't be possible.

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