McrFRED 43 Mike Hall Streaming FTW

For the next Manchester FRED, we have Mike Hall giving us some incite into streaming.

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Mike Hall

Mike Hall - @mikehall314

Mike Hall has been a developer for almost twenty years, and is CTO of the Liverpool-based development company Digital Design Labs.

His hobbies include podcasting, advocating science education, and writing about himself in the third person. Mike once appeared on the Sky One gameshow "Are You Smarter Than a Ten Year Old?". He wasn't.

Streaming FTW!

When you stop to think about it, waiting for the final byte of a page to be calculated before sending the first is kinda weird. So why does nearly every template framework do that? How can we improve things? And what are the benefits and pitfalls of embracing streaming HTML? This talk is aimed at Front-End and Node developers who want to learn how streaming can boost the perceived performance of their web pages.

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