McrFRED 06 Videos Martin Rue on JavaScript as a Language
Video from the sixth McrFRED with Martin Rue talking about the beginning of JavaScript, some JavaScript gotchas, then getting technical with some live coding in the Chrome Dev Tools console.
Unfortunately Chris who normally films for Manchester FRED couldn't make it for this one, so we gave Google Hangouts a go.
(Sorry about the quality, if you'd like to help out by sponsoring or donating to help us acquire a microphone that would be awesome.)
Manchester FRED
Other McrFRED info:
If you'd like to sponsor or donate that would be awesome, please get in touch.
To keep up to date with Manchester FRED events - [Signup to the #McrFRED Newsletter] (no longer online).
If you'd like to come to the next event, you can find out more about that here McrFRED Round 7 Chris Mills on the Importance of Documentation.
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