McrFRED 18 Jake Smith
Manchester FRED 18 is a go! With Jake Smith talking about 'How to work'.
Simon is this incredibly rare combination of insightful and curious developer, broad and extensive knowledge of front-end development techniques, and a real motivation to me in his ability to inject energy into a community. Simon would be a huge asset to any team and I'm a bit jealous of the one lucky enough to scoop him up.
Paul Irish, Google Chrome Dev Team
Manchester FRED 18 is a go! With Jake Smith talking about 'How to work'.
Meeting notes from Manchester WordPress User Group August. Mike Little goes over the usual WordPress news and answers questions from attendees. Then Tom Nowell goes into some of the great things you can do with WP-CLI.
Manchester FRED sixteen. Videos and slides from Andi's recent talk.
Thanks to Tom for taking the time to give us an incite of some of things he's up to at the BBC and Code Computerlove for hosting. Here's some of my notes and thoughts from the talk.
For Manchester FRED 17 I've managed to convince the one and only Bruce Lawson to come to Manchester with the promise that there'll be plenty of beautiful pants on show.
Further to my post Illustrator SVG Id Issue and thanks to @aexmo I discovered that Illustrator adds in the id="Layer_1"
as it's linked to the layer name. I'm not sure this is a great approach and have some thoughts.
Today I'm at ThoughtWorks Manchester learning: Creating music with Clojure and Overtone.
I'd never used Clojure or Overtone before so before and during the talk I tried to get set up, but hit a few frustrations along the way, so I wrote these up and how I fixed them in case it's of help to anyone else who wants to get set up.
Continuing on from my previous post. I had a few issues getting up and running on my mac so thought I'd put a quick blog post up in case it helps anyone.
I'm getting really excited spending more and more time using the command line.